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Unlocking Your Psychic Potential: Connecting with Your Spirit Guides Through Your Psychic Senses

Welcome to the mystical world of psychic development! I’m Emily, your professional psychic, psychic activator, historical medium, and author. Today, we’re diving into an exciting topic that covers multiple bases: how to connect with your spirit guides based on your unique psychic perception style, also known as your “Clair” style.

Understanding Psychic Perception Styles vs. Psychic Abilities

Before we dive in, let’s clarify the difference between your psychic perception style and your psychic abilities. Your psychic perception style—often referred to as your Clair style—is the way you perceive your psychic abilities. This is different from the actual psychic abilities themselves. For instance, you might hear the future, taste what others have tasted, see ghosts, or physically feel others' pain.

There are eight distinct psychic senses, and each person might have one, two, or even all eight that resonate strongly with them. However, this doesn’t mean you don’t possess other senses; it’s just that some are more prominent. Focus on these stronger senses during your spiritual and psychic development, as they will come more naturally to you.

The Eight Psychic Senses:

  1. Clairvoyance (Clear Sight): Seeing energetic information.

  2. Clairaudience (Clear Hearing): Hearing energetic information.

  3. Claircognizance (Clear Knowing): Just knowing information without any physical evidence.

  4. Clairsentience (Clear Feeling): Physically feeling energetic information.

  5. Clairempathy (Clear Emotion): Feeling energetic information through emotions.

  6. Clairtangency (Clear Touch): Perceiving information through touch.

  7. Clairgustance (Clear Taste): Tasting energetic information.

  8. Clairsalience (Clear Smell): Smelling energetic information.

How to Use Your Clair Senses to Communicate with Your Spirit Guides

Connecting with your spirit guides using your psychic senses can be a powerful way to deepen your spiritual practice.

Here’s how you can use each Clair sense to communicate with your guides:

  1. Clairvoyance (Clear Sight)

    • Visualization Exercise: Ask your guides to send you a specific visual sign. For example, request to see a unique symbol like a rainbow or a fern leaf as validation that they are with you. Make sure it’s something not commonly seen to avoid confusion.

    • Techniques: Use your clairvoyance to ask questions and receive answers through imagery. Combine this with other senses to get a fuller picture. For instance, if you see something, listen for a corresponding sound or feel a related emotion.

  2. Clairaudience (Clear Hearing)

    • Sound Validation: You might hear specific words or phrases from your guides. To use this, ask your guides to communicate through sounds or messages that you can clearly hear. This could be a particular song or a repeated phrase.

    • Internal Voice: Listen for distinct voices or sounds that differ from your usual internal dialogue. These should have a unique tone or cadence, indicating they come from your guides rather than your own thoughts.

  3. Claircognizance (Clear Knowing)

    • Validation: This sense involves a sudden knowing or insight. Trust your intuitive thoughts or gut feelings as messages from your guides. When you get an idea or a piece of information seemingly out of nowhere, it might be your guide communicating.

    • Channeled Writing: Write continuously for five to ten minutes after asking your guides specific questions. Review your writing afterward to uncover messages. This helps in trusting and understanding the "just knowing" sense.

  4. Clairsentience (Clear Feeling)

    • Physical Sensation: If you feel physical sensations or emotions that aren’t your own, it could be your guides communicating with you. Pay attention to these feelings and try to interpret them as messages or guidance from your spirit guides.

    • Patterns and Validation: Identify any physical sensations, such as chills or pressure, that arise when communicating with your guides. Track these sensations to understand their meanings better

  5. Clairempathy (Clear Emotion)

    • Emotional Validation: When you experience strong emotions that aren’t necessarily your own, this might be your guides reaching out. Understanding and acknowledging these emotions can help you connect more deeply with your guides.

    • Energy Clearing: Establish a regular routine for clearing your energy to differentiate between your emotions and those sent by your guides. This will help in understanding and interpreting emotional guidance more accurately.

  6. Clairtangency (Clear Touch)

    • Object Connection: If you touch objects and receive impressions or feelings, this can be a way your guides communicate. This might happen when you handle objects that give you a sense or feeling about their history or significance.

    • Tool Use: Utilize tools such as pendulums or tarot cards, especially if they align with your sense of touch. These tools can enhance your ability to receive and interpret messages from your guides.

  7. Clairgustance (Clear Taste)

    • Taste Validation: If you taste something unusual that seems out of place, this could be a sign from your guides. Pay attention to these tastes and consider their possible meanings or messages.

  8. Clairsalience (Clear Smell)

    • Smell Validation: Sometimes, you might smell something that isn’t present in your physical environment. This could be a way your guides are communicating, especially if it’s a scent with a significant meaning or memory.

    • Memory Association: Pay attention to memories triggered by particular smells. These memories can provide additional context to the messages you’re receiving.

Expanding Your Abilities

If you’re looking to expand your use of any of these Clair senses, start by practicing in a safe, controlled environment, such as during meditation or when communicating with your spirit guides. You can also explore digital courses to deepen your understanding and enhance your skills in these areas.

I hope this guide helps you connect with your spirit guides using your unique psychic senses. Remember, every psychic sense can be applied to any psychic ability, and the more you practice, the more proficient you’ll become.

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